
2023-01-14 宣化上人全集

要是能持五戒十善,就能升到天上。“五戒”──杀、盗、淫、妄、酒。不杀生是慈悲;不偷盗是义气;不邪淫是正人君子;不妄语是忠信的人;不饮酒是不乱来的人。杀生,将来是宿殃短命报; 偷盗,将来是贫穷苦楚报; 邪淫,将来是雀鸽鸳鸯报;小鸟好高骛远,贪邪淫就做了小鸟。

If one can uphold the five precepts and practice the ten good deeds, one will ascend to the heavens. The five precepts are not killing, not stealing, not engaging in sexual misconduct, not lying, and not taking intoxicants:Not killing is to be kind and compassionate,Not stealing is to be righteous,Not engaging in sexual misconduct is to be an upright and proper person,Not lying is to be a loyal and faithful person,Not taking intoxicants is not to be a reckless person.Killing brings the retribution of a short life span,Stealing brings the retribution of a life of poverty and hardship,Sexual misconduct brings the retribution of being born as pigeons or mandarin ducks.Birds are impractical and lustful. If people act that way, they will be reborn as birds.


I often tell you these things, but you never pay much attention. I don’t mind taking the trouble to remind you again. What is it? People must not kill, because all living beings have either been our relatives or friends, or even parents or ancestors, throughout limitless eons. If our former parents have now been reborn as pigs or cows because of offenses they committed, and we kill those pigs and cows, then that would be the same as killing our own parents indirectly.


As for stealing, it’s said, “We should not do to others what we would not like done to us.” Since we don’t like having our belongings stolen, we should not steal others’ belongings.


In the law of cause and effect, the punishment for sexual misconduct is very heavy. Husbands and wives should not casually porce. If you are married and then porce later, in the law of cause and effect, your body will be pided into two parts because you had two relationships. You will be sawed in half from head to toe. You will be sawed into as many pieces as the number of marriages you have had. If a woman married a hundred men, she would be cut into one hundred pieces. Each man would get a piece of her.


What’s bad about being cut into fragments? It will be hard for the spiritual nature to come together again. Such a chance would be difficult to come by. If the chance does not arise, the spiritual nature will forever be incomplete and one will become an insentient thing, much like wood or grass. One's nature will be so fragmented that it will be insufficient to function as a sentient being. Even if it does become a sentient being, it would be in the form of a swarm of eighty-four thousand mosquitoes or the like. Those mosquitoes would in turn become mosquitoes that also lacked any awareness of how to change their course. They would not be able to wake up and turn away from the deluded existence. They would continually be born and die within the cycle of transmigration.


Thus, it’s said, “Once the human body is lost, it will not be recovered in tens of thousands of eons.” If we lose the human body, we will have to pass through millions of eons and still may not be able to regain it.




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