
2022-12-11 宣化上人全集

大家在这里埋头苦干,认真修行。 People here immerse themselves in their own work and cultivate earnestly.


Whether you have come here to attend a recitation session, a Chan session, a Guanyin session, or an Earth Store Bodhisattva session, you should not advertise how nice the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas is. We don’t want people outside to know the nice things about the City. Here at the City, we work quietly. People here immerse themselves in their own work and cultivate earnestly. We don’t care about advertising ourselves to the outside world. If you feel this is a good place, you can come again; if you feel this place is not so good, then you can stop coming. This is the City’s principle.

万佛圣城立六大宗旨,作为修行的目标;就是“不争、不贪、不求、不自私、不自利、不妄语。”你们能明白六大宗旨的真实义,那就没有白到万佛圣城一趟。 一般人欢喜好名,但万佛圣城不需要。为什么?因万佛圣城的宗旨是将财色名食睡这五欲断绝。这五欲乃是地狱五条根,一般人欢喜它,可是万佛圣城要和它脱离关系,所以万佛圣城不需要什么好名,不企求什么利益,就本着真实的功夫来弘扬佛法,续佛慧命,这是万佛圣城大概的情况。

As guidelines for cultivation, the City has established Six Guidelines. They are: no fighting, no greed, no seeking, no selfishness, no pursuit of self-benefit, and no lying. If you can understand the true meaning of these guidelines, you have not come here in vain. Ordinary people like fame, but the City doesn’t need it. At the City the ideal is to cut off the five desires, that is, the desires for wealth, sex, fame, food and sleep. These five desires are the five roots of hell. Ordinary people take pleasure in them, but we at the City want to sever our relationship with them. The City doesn’t crave a famous reputation or seek any benefits. We only use our real skills to propagate the Buddhadharma and continue the Buddha’s wisdom life. That is how things are at the City.

更新于:2022-12-11 13:40