
2023-01-13 宣化上人全集


People who receive the five precepts, orthe eight precepts, are called “Upasaka” (for men) or “Upasika”(for women). If they take the Bodhisattva precepts then they arecalled Bodhisattvas of initial resolve, because they are makinga commitment to uphold the Bodhisattva precepts and follow theBodhisattva path. Left-home people receive and uphold theBodhisattva precepts. But since Bodhisattvas of initial resolveare people who wish to learn how to benefit both themselves andothers, lay people, too, can receive lay Bodhisattva precepts.


In Buddhism, receiving and upholdingprecepts is very important. When there is an opportunity to doso, people should not miss the opportunity.


A person can receive one precept, twoprecepts, three precepts, four precepts, or five precepts. Hecan also receive eight precepts but he is not eligible toreceive the ten precepts, as those are reserved for shramaneras(novice monks) and shramanerikas (novice nuns). But you can takeBodhisattva precepts, the ten major and forty-eight minorprecepts.


Receiving one precept is called taking “aminimum share of the precepts,”Receiving two precepts is called taking “a half share of theprecepts,”Receiving three precepts is called taking “a majority share ofthe precepts,”Receiving five precepts is called taking “a full share of theprecepts.”


If someone has a problem with receivingthe precept of not killing beings, then that person can refrainfrom receiving that precept and can receive the precept of notstealing. If someone likes to drink, like my wine-drinkingdisciple who didn’t want to take the precept prohibiting theconsuming of intoxicants, then that person can refrain fromreceiving the precept prohibiting the consumption ofintoxicants, but can receive the others.Someone may say, “I like to boast. I cannot receive the preceptagainst lying.” Well, that person can receive the other fourprecepts.Another person may say, “Icannot promise not to kill. Sometimes, unintentionally, I maykill ants and small bugs. If I kill them after receiving theprecepts, my offenses will be greater.” That person doesn't haveto receive the precept against killing. In general, each personcan do whatever he or she prefers, receiving one, two, three, orup to five precepts. Just don’t miss this opportunity.


In China, if a person cannot afford topay (it used to cost two hundred US dollars), then he won’t beable to receive the precepts. That money did not go toward thepurchase of a sash and robe. The preceptees had to purchasethose items by themselves. They could buy better or lesserquality sashes and robes, depending on what they had to spend.Just to receive the precepts, one had to make an offering to theteacher and his temple of at least two hundred dollars.

更新于:2023-01-13 14:31