15.The Fifteenth Minor Precept: The Precept against Keeping Cats and Other Predatory Animals
If an Upasaka/Upasika who has received and should be upholding this Precept keeps cats or other predatory animals, he/she thereby commits an offense through negligence. Failure to repent and reform will lead to a fall, caused by such impure behavior.
16.The Sixteenth Minor Precept: The Precept againstRaising Domestic or Wild Animals without Performing PureGiving
If an Upasaka/Upasika who has received and should be upholding this Precept raises elephants, horses, cattle, sheep or goats, camels, donkeys or mules, or any other kind of animals whether domestic or wild, and fails to bestow those animals on someone who has not taken this Precept in an act of pure giving, he/she thereby commits an offense through negligence. Failure to repent and reform will lead to a fall, caused by such impure behavior.
更新于:2017-06-14 17:43