11.The Eleventh Minor Precept: The Precept against Traveling Alone through Dangerous Places
If an Upasaka/Upasika who has received and should be upholding this Precept travels without a companion through dangerous places, he/she thereby commits an offense through negligence. Failure to repent and reform will lead to a fall, caused by such impure behavior.
12.The Twelfth Minor Precept: The Precept againstStaying Overnight Unchaperoned in a Convent or a Monastery
If an Upasaka/Upasika who has received and should be upholding this Precept stays overnight unchaperoned in a convent or a monastery, he/she thereby commits an offense through negligence. Failure to repent and reform will lead to a fall, caused by such impure behavior.
更新于:2017-06-11 12:09