Veg News | Airport Tips for Vegan Travelers 献给旅行中的维根们《机场素食小贴士》

2016-05-27 素食旅游

Riding stuffy parking shuttles, waiting in long baggage lines, and walking barefoot through a body scanner always leaves me starving and in a conundrum.


It's not that being a vegan in an airport is difficult: French fries, soft pretzels, potato chips, and candy can usually be readily found without animal ingredients, and this is great! Indulging on vacation can be half the fun, but if you travel frequently, you may notice that while nutritious airport options are sometimes available, they are often overpriced and not always fresh.


After paying ten dollars for a wilted iceberg salad (ordered sans chicken), two dollars for a sad, bruised banana, and most recently, a nine-dollar avocado roll, I finally learned that planning my travel snacks ahead of time could save me from a salt-and-sugar-laden coma and from emptying my wallet before my traveling had even begun.


Perhaps the reason many people do not plan their airport snacks in advance is because the rules seem tricky and subject to change. However, simply checking the Transportation Security Administration website ( in advance and doing some simple preparations can save your budget and your diet.


Read on for some of my favorite vegan airport-friendly suggestions that, as of publication date, all meet the TSA's food and liquid regulations.


Just as you are permitted to siphon your shampoo, conditioner, and face wash into 3.4-ounce (or smaller) containers, you can do the same with food that takes on a liquid or purée consistency.


Try the following combinations using 3.4-ounce (or smaller) containers for the liquid components:


a) Vegan salad dressing with pre-cut and washed veggies.


Prepare slices of red, orange, or green bell pepper, cauliflower florets, celery stalks, or sugar snap peas. My personal favorite combination is pairing Annie's Organic Goddess Dressing, which is a flavorful tahini-style dressing, with Persian cucumbers. Persian cucumbers are much smaller than regular cucumbers, with thinner skin, minimal-to-no seeds, and a satisfying sweet, refreshing crunch. Because of their small size, they are easy to throw in a zip-top bag without chopping, and can be eaten just by biting into them like a carrot.


b) Almond, cashew, or peanut butter with fruit.


The squeeze-ability of the packs makes them great for spill-prone kids (and adults) and makes them easy to apply to your snacks.


c) Hummus or tapenade with pita


Spoon your homemade or favorite pre-bought variety into a small container, or try Sabra's single-serve 2-ounce packs in Roasted Red Pepper, Classic, or Garlic.Try stacking a few full-size pitas and cutting through them with a pizza cutter like a pie for cute triangular dipping slices.


Whole and pre-cut fruit (without liquid) is allowed by the TSA, but some fruits are definitely more travel-friendly than others. Soft fruits like bananas and peaches always seem to end up squishy and bruised by the time I'm through security and ready to snack. Oranges can be sturdy, but peeling one can end in a sticky mess.


Apples are reliable and delicious; if you want to use one for dipping, try cutting it at home with a segmented slicer and using a rubber band to hold the slices together in the shape of the apple so they won't brown. A little lemon juice can help with this, too.


Pack easily-damaged finger-friendly fruits like grapes, strawberries, and blueberries in small Tupperware containers. Secure with a rubber band just to be on the safe side. While you can probably find fruit salad (usually a mostly-melon mix) within the airport, it is so much fresher and much less expensive to cut your own fruit at home and pack it along. Drain the juice out so that you do not have any excess liquid along for the ride and consider lining your container with a dry paper towel.


Finally, no airport travel tip makes me happier than remembering to bring along my tight-sealing BPA-free empty water jug. I prefer my 34-ounce Nalgene bottle ( because it's huge (but light whenempty), never leaks, and has a handy loop. (I am not above attaching it to my purse to avoid losing it!)


It's important to stay hydrated in order to have energy while traveling and because airplane cabins can be so dry, but airport bottled water prices are unbelievably inflated. Most airports have installed filtered filling stations and all have water fountains, usually located near the restrooms, so bring along your favorite empty water bottle with a tight-fitting, preferably attached cap, and avoid paying a huge markup as well as constantly having to flag down a flight attendant for one of those tiny plastic cups.


Happy vegan travels!



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