7.The Seventh Minor Precept: The Precept againstFailure to Observe the Six Days of Vegetarian Fasting and Holding Precepts
If an Upasaka/Upasika who has received and should be upholding this Precept fails to observe the six days of holding the Eight Precepts and making offerings to the Triple Jewel every month, he/she thereby commits an offense through negligence. Failure to repent and reform will lead to a fall, caused by such impure behavior.
8.The Eighth Minor Precept: The Precept against Failure to Go to Listen to the Dharma
If an Upasaka/Upasika who has received and should be upholding this Precept fails to go and listen to the Dharma when it is being lectured anywhere within a twelve-and-a-half mile radius, he/she thereby commits an offense through negligence. Failure to repent and reform will lead to a fall, caused by such impure behavior.
更新于:2017-06-06 16:24