經云:若有善男子、善女人,聞是三世三劫諸佛名號,歡喜信樂,稱揚讚歎,歸命頂禮,復能書寫,爲他人說,The Sūtra says: "If there are virtuous men and women who hear the names of all the Buddhas of the three periods and three kalpas, and rejoice in faith and happiness, praise and worship them, write them down, explain them to others,或能畫作立佛形像,或能供養香華、妓樂,歎佛功德,至心作禮者,勝用十方諸佛國土,滿中珍寶,純摩尼珠,積至梵天,百千劫中布施者。
or draw images of the Buddhas, or offer incense, flowers, music and dance, and wholeheartedly worship the Buddha's merit and virtue, the merit they attain will surpass that by the practice of giving, for hundreds of thousands of kalpas, with all the precious treasures of gems, jewels, pure mani-pearls of the Buddhalands of the ten directions, which are so abundant that they pile up to the height of Brāhma Heavens. 是善男子、善女人等,已曾供養是諸佛已,後生之處,歷侍諸佛,至于作佛而無窮盡,皆當爲三世三劫中佛之所授決,
These virtuous men and women have already made offerings to all these Buddhas, and in their next lives, they will serve all the Buddhas until they become Buddhas themselves without limit. They will definitely receive the predictions of Buddhahood from the Buddhas of the three kalpas of the three periods of time. 所生之處,常遇三寶,得生諸佛刹土,六根完具,不墮八難,當得諸佛三十二相、八十種好,具足莊嚴。
Wherever they are born, they will always encounter the Three Jewels. They will attain rebirth in the lands of Budddhas with their six faculties fully developed, and they will never fall into the Eight Difficulties. They will attain the thirty-two hallmarks and eighty fine features of the Buddhas, sublime and dignified in every aspect.若能五體投地作禮,口自宣言:我今普禮一切十方三世諸佛,願三塗休息,國豐民安,邪見衆生迴向正道,發菩提心。持此功德,願共六道一切衆生,皆生無量壽佛國。If they can prostrate with their five limbs and say, 'I now worship all the Buddhas of the three periods and ten directions. May all the three lower realms of suffering cease to be, the country be prosperous, the people be safe, and the deluded beings turn to the right path and awaken their bodhi mind. With this merit, I vow to lead all sentient beings to be born in the Land of Buddha Amitāyus (Infinite Life).'立大誓願,使諸衆生悉生彼刹,身諸相好、智慧辯才如阿彌陀佛所獲果報,巍巍堂堂,壽命無量。
By making a great vow, all sentient beings will be born in that land with physical marks and intellectual abilities like those of Amitābha Buddha, having a long and boundless life."