
2023-05-02 宣化上人全集



一九五○年 香港 芙蓉山 观音洞

l950 Guanyin Cave, Furong Mountain, Hong Kong

访问泰国回到香港时,上人已身无分文。一位居士替上人找到了观音洞 ──在山边一个又小又暗的洞,弯下身进入洞内后,上人在洞里的一块石头平台上,结双跏趺座。除了身上穿的那件满是补丁的衲袍,上人一无所有。

When the Master returned to Hong Kong after a visit to Thailand, he was penniless. A layman helped him find Guanyin Cave ─a small, dark hole in the face of the mountainside. Bending low to enter the mouth of the cave, the Master found a flat rock inside. He sat down on it and pulled his legs up into lotus posture. He had no furniture or utensils, no bedding or food; he had only his tattered, patched robe to wear.


The Master sat unmoving on the rock in the barren cave for several days and nights, only deciding to get up after about 100 hours of uninterrupted sitting. But when he tried to stand, he found that his legs wouldn’t move. The Master paid no attention to his paralysis, but simply continued to sit on the rock in the dank cave. He remained in the full lotus meditation posture day and night for two full weeks, and then gradually began to recover the use of his legs.

更新于:2023-05-02 14:02