On Practice XVIII【修行 (十八) -英文】

2022-10-26 外文文稿


We Buddhists should make good use of all available time to read and recite the sutras, perform prostration, recite the name of the Buddha, or practice sitting meditation. Do not let the time pass in vain and waste our lives.


The sutras are paths and remedy we may take to counteract our vexations. If we know to apply the teachings in the sutras to help switching the perception of unfavorable circumstance, the vexations in the moment might be the bodhi. This is abiding by the sutras. Otherwise, vexations are ignorance.

经藏在哪里?经藏在我们的心中。但是这部人人都有的自性心经,必须靠智慧开显才有办法流露出来。所以 佛陀宣讲的一切经典都是智慧。我们因为智慧未开,看经书当然是迷迷糊糊,无法解空真义,深入佛法。

Where is the sutra pitaka? It is within us. But this self nature (heart sutra) immanent in every one of us cannot be revealed unless the wisdom is unfolded. All sutras expounded by Sakyamuni Buddha recorded buddha-wisdom; but since our wisdom is yet to unfold, we tend to feel confused when reading the sutras. That is why we all have great difficulty either in comprehending the essence of emptiness or immersing ourselves deeply in Buddhadharma.


Being able to talk about sila (precept), samadhi (meditation), and prajna (wisdom) is not enough. Putting them into practice is what really counts. In other words, we have to work on the five skandhas, i.e. (form, sensation, perception, volition, and consciousness).


Sutra-recitation is more than just humming and reciting the words. We have to try to understand the true meaning of the sutras, which cannot be succeeded unless we practice diligently to be awakened. We have to practice to the extent that as soon as we see the verses of the sutras, we can immediately correspond to the True Mind without even pondering on the meaning of the words. Otherwise it is only humming and chanting. Clinging to the self thinking I am reciting the sutra without the capability to comprehend the true meaning of it will take us nowhere to correspond to the True Mind.


If we read the sutras and preach the Dharma without putting the teachings into practice, we are merely reciting others ideas. It would be like counting treasures owned by others--however valuable they may be, they are not ours and wont help us escape the eternal prison of births and deaths.


We should read or listen to the sermons, analects, and treatises of great patriarchs from the past as if they have not entered nirvana and are still preaching and guiding us.


When people come to us and ask us to explain a certain sutra, we should do it sincerely and to the best of our abilities. It will benefit them as well as us. Do not be arrogant and pretend that we dont know much about the sutra; otherwise, we will be at fault.


The essence of reading sutras is to try to comprehend the meaning of them. Only through growing faith, enhancing comprehension, diligent practice, and personal verification can the sutra help us to unfold our immanent wisdom.

------Translated from Analects of Master Kuang-chin(编译自《广钦老和尚开示录》)

更新于:2022-10-26 12:33





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