On Practice XXX【修行 (三十) -英文】

2022-10-24 外文文稿


If one lives in clover and has been used to it, he may easily become arrogant. Moreover, the more one is gifted, the stronger sense of self s/he may have. Without using Buddhadharma as an antidote to reflect on oneself thereby learn to be humble, do more self-examination and repent, it will be very difficult for one to break out of the confinement of the appearance of self.


Since we are born into this world as human beings, food, clothing, and housing are necessary to sustain our lives, but we have to avoid consuming more than the basics. If we pursue a lavish lifestyle instead of restraining our sensory passions, we not only will be unable to reduce our negative karma, but will add more to it thus generate bitter fruits for ourselves.


When eating, ponder gratefully, Where does the food come from? Or how did it get here? Ask ourselves: have I practiced diligently to deserve this food? Without a sense of shame and guilt, even a simple comment such as the food does not taste good will cost us some merits.


If, instead of enduring hardships and relinquishing our stinginess and greed, we insist on eating well and living comfortably, why bother leaving home and become monks? What differences are there between us and any other laymen? We monastic practitioners should not pay too much attention on the taste of food or the sake of appetite as long as there is sufficient food and it is edible. Only through such practice can we expect to relinquish our stinginess and greed and unfold our wisdom.


To work in the kitchen of the monastery is to follow the vows of Bodhisattva Samantabhadra. In fact, many great Bodhisattvas such as Avalokitesvara and Manjusri practiced asceticism through working in the kitchen. Kitchen is a place where we can easily either amass or waste away our merits. Do not casually throw away edible food or leftovers lest we would bear the consequences. As a matter of fact, the precept guardian gods and meal supervising bodhisattvas will record everything on the book. If we waste food carelessly we will suffer from such causes and be reborn as chicken, ducks, pigs, or dogs who will feed on leftovers or spoiled food from human beings.

我们出家人寄形天地间,这天地便是我们安身办道处,还要再找什么地方?出家人跋山涉水,到哪里便算哪里。出家人并不是要去找什么样的道场,而是要看看自己有没有愿力! 有愿力的话,林下竹子三两根编一编,搭一搭,也可以安身,也是道场。如果有愿力克服一切环境的障碍,心就能安定。这样,无论在什么地方,皆能安心办道。

Once we leave home for practice, the whole wide world is our home. We should be practicing and preaching Buddhas teachings wherever we are. So why look for any particular places? Monastics dont travel all over the world for a specific monastery. Instead, its a testament to see whether we have the ability of resolving and aspiring. We can make a shabby bamboo shelter in any woods and settle in and start to practice and preach on the Buddhas teachings. Our mind will be calmed down and focused as long as we have the determination and wish to overcome any obstacles caused by the environment and condition. In such way, we can practice and deliver the sentient beings wherever we are.


This Saha world is nothing but our temporary residence. Everything in this world is like a phantasm or a magical delusion, as unreal as things in our dreams or in a drama. Do not mistake this illusion with reality, nor long for anything in this Saha world. Relinquish all connections and attachments, recite the name of the Buddha Amitabha, and vow to be reborn in the Western Pureland.


At birth, we bring nothing; at death, we take nothing. A person, even if he is a mega-millionaire will bring nothing along when he dies. What follows us through all lives is our own karma. So why waste valuable time pursuing external objects? We should grasp the time we have and start practicing as early as possible.

------Translated from Analects of Master Kuang-chin(编译自《广钦老和尚开示录》)


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