Speech at the Opening Ceremonyof the Third World Buddhist Forum(April 26 , 2012 / Hong Kong Coliseum )
Delivered by the Most Ven. CHUAN YIN / president of the Buddhist Association of China
诸位长老、各位嘉宾: Most Venerables, Venerables, and Distinguished Guests:群贤集香江,因缘极殊胜,诸佛生欢喜,龙天降吉祥。今天的香港体育馆,佛顶真骨亲临,各国高僧汇聚,三宝慈光护佑,众善因缘具足,共同成就第三届世界佛教论坛,可谓希有难得,令人欢喜盈怀!祝福与会嘉宾及大众,法喜充满,身心自在!As Buddhist dignitaries from around the world are gathering here in Hong Kong, the conditions thus converged are extremely distinctive by nature, blessed by all Buddhas and with auspicious wishes from heavenly gods at the same time. Here in the Hong Kong Coliseum, greeting the arrival of the enshrined sacred skull relic of Lord Buddha, we see an assembly of eminent monks and dignitaries from various countries. In the compassionate light of triple gem, collaborative efforts arising from magnificent conditions have succeeded in bringing forth the third World Buddhist Forum. That can be called a rare achievement which delights everybody to the full. I would now like to extend my best wishes to distinguished guests who participate in this forum and the general public. May you all achieve full blissfulness in dharma delight and a carefree body and mind!和谐世界,同愿同行。进入21世纪,人类科学技术、物质文明,成就空前,但内心的执着烦恼,外在的冲突纷争,却有增无减。追求内心宁静,实现世界和谐,逐渐成为全人类的共同愿望。自2006年首届世界佛教论坛开始,我们始终围绕构建持久和平、共同繁荣的和谐世界这一人类社会的伟大愿景,以佛陀的教导为核心,积极探讨人类自身、人与人、人与自然的和谐之道。Sharing common vows and aspirations, w e concordantly aspire to, and work for a harmonious world, whilst stepping into the 21st century. The achievements of mankind in science and technology as well as material progress are unprecedented. However, afflictions and attachments in people’s mind and conflicts in the external world are on an unceasing increase. Searching for inner peacefulness and achieving world harmony have gradually become the shared aspiration of mankind. Ever since the beginning of the First World Buddhist Forum in 2006, we have preoccupied ourselves with this great mission of the human society to construct a harmonious world of sustainable pea c e and shared prosperity. With the teachings of Lord Buddha as the nucleus, we strive to explore how humans can attain harmony within t heir own selves, between themselves and other fellow humans, and between humans and the ecosystem.和谐乃人类共同心愿,世界乃众生共业所感。惟有大众同生无住清净之心,同发自觉觉他之愿,教内人士同行上求下化之六度万行,社会大众同行自利利他之众善义举,方能成就清净和谐之世界。结合当今现实,具体而言:大众同行感恩,人人自净其意,方能人心和善;家人同行奉献,个个敦伦尽份,方能家庭和乐;人我同行惜缘,事事自利利他,方能人际和顺;自他同行包容,彼此深信因果,方能社会和睦;相互同行尊重,东西多元共生,方能文明和谐;利益同行分享,心怀慈悲喜舍,方能世界和平。总之,世界大众同愿清净和谐,同行利他众善,则和谐世界可成,人间净土可期。Harmony is the shared aspiration of all humans. The world is influenced by the collective karma of all sentient beings. Only when people actualise hand in hand a calm mind of non-attachment and jointly seek to develop the vow of enlightening the self and enlightening others, and only when Buddhists practise hand in hand the Six paramitas to seek the Buddha Way above for benefiting all sentient beings below, a calm and harmonious world can then be accomplished with the general public engaging themselves in unison in the universal charitable act of perfecting the self to benefit others. In the context of today’s circumstances, practically speaking, if we all carry with us an attitude of gratitude and cleanse our thoughts hand in hand, we may then find a peaceful and benevolent mind in people. If family members practise offering hand in hand, everybody observing the ethics and discharging his inpidual responsibilities, family harmony and happiness can be achieved. If we cherish the pre-detestined relationship of walking the way hand in hand with others, while sticking to the principle of benefiting the self to benefit others in every matter, harmony in interpersonal relationships can be achieved. If we are tolerant with each other, concurrently harbouring a common and deep faith in the doctrine of cause and effect, we can then have a peaceful and harmonious society. Mutual respect between us and others in tandem with multiple symbiosis between the East and the West can then bring about a harmonious civilisation. Equitable sharing of benefits among us with a regard for the Four Immeasurables of impartial compassion, loving kindness, joyfulness and equanimity can then bring about world peace. In summary, when the world public all aspire to peace and harmony in practising the universal charity of benefiting the self to benefit others, a harmonious world can then come into being in anticipation of a pure land for mankind.切愿教内外诸位长老大德、贤达善士,藉世界佛教论坛之胜缘与平台,对话研讨,切磋交流,凝聚智慧,汇集力量,为增进人类福祉,促进世界和谐,为正法久住世间,众生共成佛道,同愿同行,携手并进!On the occasion of the World Buddhist Forum brought about by good karma and the platform it now provides, I very much look forward to fruitful dialogues exchanged and discussions conducted among venerable masters of great virtues as well as eminent and altruistic celebrities through agglomerating wisdom and focusing strengths with a view to enhancing the happiness of mankind, advancing world harmony, ensuring the long existence of proper Dharma in the mundane world, and helping all sentient beings to achieve enlightenment together with the same aspiration in advancing the same path hand in hand!为纪嘉会,谨拈数语,藉抒芜怀:For the celebration of this grand assembly I would like to express my heartfelt happiness with a few verses as follows:香海论坛殊胜缘,良辰嘉会聚高贤。The Forum in Hong Kong represents the realisation of good karma; the elegant meeting on an auspicious day sees a gathering of eminent personalities.同心同德同商讨,同道同行同愿坚。Discussions are conducted on shared intents and shared ethics; the shared mission is strengthened through walking on the same path hand in hand.淑善觉音播四海,光华慧日丽中天。Sweet voice of the Buddha is broadcast around the world; brilliant wisdom-sun adorns the sky at high noon.佛慈普被三千界,天下太平民永安。Lord Buddha's c compassion blankets the three thousand realms; pan-global peace ensures people’s ever-lasting well-being. 谢谢! Thank you !
更新于:2020-05-26 15:28