
2018-04-29 新闻资讯




[不读华严经,不知佛法之富贵],华严经是佛经中的 [经王之王],人人都应该把握机会研读这部法界之经,方不虚此生。






To commemorate the founder of the Dharma Realm Buddhist Association, Venerable Master Hsuan Hua's centennial year, Gold Coast Dharma Realm of Australia will be holding a 21-day Avatamsaka Sutra Recitation Dharma Assembly from April28to May18,2018. The Avatamsaka Sutra recitation session is from7am to 10amevery day. A daily lecture explaining the Second Ground of the Ten Grounds of the Avatamsaka Sutra will be given by Rev. Heng Sure from 7 pm to 8 pm. We hope that you can participate this special event! The Chinese translation will be broadcasting through a separate channel - YY platform (ID 27215620).

Until one encounters/reads the Avatamsaka Sutra, one would not know the richness and splendour of the Buddhadharma!The Avatamsaka Sutra (the Flower Adornment/Garland Sutra) is known as the King of Kings of all Buddhist texts. It elucidates the inconceivable state of the Buddhas and the conduct of Bodhisattvas. It is our sincere wish that everyone will take this opportunity to connect with this “Sutra of the Dharma Realm”, and by so doing, one shall not live in vain.

Evening Lecture (in English) will be broadcast through GoToMeeting:

GCDR Dharma Lecture,7PM-8PM, 4/28-5/18


Please click on the following link and join the lecture session from your computer, tablet or smartphone.


以下地区也可以通过拨打免费电话的方式参与:You can also dial in using your phone:

澳大利亚 Australia: +61 2 8355 1038

美国 United States: +1 (312) 757-3117

会议代码: Access Code:478-122-821

华严经法会时间:World times for the event:

- 世界协调时间 UTC (GMT) 09:00 am

- 美国加州California, USA: 2:00 am (PDT, UTC-7)

- 英国伦敦London, UK: 10:00-11:00am;(BST, UTC+1)

- 法国巴黎Paris 11:00-12:00 am (CEST, UTC+2)

- 澳洲东部Sydney/Melborne/Brisbane: 7:00-8:00pm (AEST, UTC+10)

- 北京时间 Beijing:5:00-6:00 pm (CST, UTC+8)

- 台北时间 Taipei: 5:00-6:00 pm (CST, UTC+8)

- 马来吉隆坡 Kuala Lumpur:5:00-6:00 pm (MYT, UTC+8)

如果您的时间区域没有在上述列表中,请点击下面的国际时区换算表进行查找。If your timezone is not listed above, you can check here:


如有问题欢迎垂询金岸法界道场义工(微信账号 cliffw2006). if you any question please contact us through email (gcdr.australia@gmail.com)or Wechat (ID: cliffw2006)





Ten Great Vows

To respect all Buddhas

To make praises to the Tathagatas

To practice profoundly the giving of offerings

To repent and reform all karmic hindrance

To rejoice and follow in merit and virtue

To request that the Dharma Wheel be turned

To request that the Buddhas remain in the world

To always follow the Buddha's teaching

To constantly accord with all living beings

To transfer all merit and virtue universally




The weather at GCDR, Australia now is Autumn and cool. More clothing may be needed in the morning and at night.

Our weekly activities include:

周一到周五每天下午1:00-2:30时的大悲忏。Monday to Friday afternoon, 1:00-2: 30 pm, Great Compassion Repentance.

周六早上8:30-10:00时的普门品,下午1时至2时楞严咒共修。Saturday morning, 8:30-10: 30 am, Universal Door Chapter recitation session. 1:00pm-2: 00 pm Surangama Mantra recitation

周六晚上7:00-8:30时恒实法师中文英文双语讲课。Saturday night, 7:00-8: 30 pm, bilingual lecture by Rev. Heng Sure.

周日早上8:00-10:00时恒实法师英文开示坐禅两小时。Sunday morning 8:00-10:00 am, Rev. Heng Sure's lecture on meditation in English.

然后早上10:15-11:00时弟子规国语课(小朋友)。Sunday morning 10:15-11:00 am, Chinese language class for kids -《Standards for Students》

周日下午12:30-2:00时,恒实法师讲经和圆桌会议交替进行(如果一周讲经,下一周则组织圆桌会议)。英文开示华严经十地品(在线直播 https://www.youtube.com/user/dharmarealmlive)。Rev. Heng Sure's lecture or roundtable discussion,12:30-2:00 pm, if he lectures on one week, then the following week he will chair a roundtable meeting.

周三晚上7:00至8:00时禅坐共修。Wednesday night, 7:00-8: 00 pm, meditation session

周五晚上7:00-8:00时拜忏。Friday night, 7:00-8: 00 pm, bowing session.





地址:106 Bonogin Road, Bonogin, Gold Coast.Queensland 4213,Australia



如有问题欢迎垂询道场义工(微信账号 cliffw2006). if you any question please contact us through email or Wechat (ID: cliffw2006)


更新于:2018-04-29 00:23