慧光法师:虔诚的信解 Earnest Faith

2020-08-20 慧光法师

虔诚的信解 Earnest Faith 在《法句譬喻经》中有一则关于笃信的教化。 佛陀在世时,舍卫城的东南边有一条大河,河水既深又广。沿岸住着五百多户人家,他们皆是以捕鱼为业,因为从未听闻过清净的佛法,所以惯行贪婪自私的行为,并具有欺瞒不实的顽劣恶习。 有一天,佛陀观察这些众生,得度的因缘已经成熟,便走到河边的一棵大树下禅坐。当村民见到佛身散发光明奇特的祥和,让每人都感到非常惊奇,并予以赞叹,于是一一都来向佛陀问讯礼拜。 慈悲的佛陀让他们也在树下坐下,并为他们开示五戒十善的法义。然而这些人因长久以来习惯欺骗别人、不相信真理,所以内心无法生起真诚的信心。此时,世尊便以神通变化出另一个人,从河的对岸,裸足踏水而来,走到佛前稽首礼拜。 众人见到这样的事,都感到非常惊讶,于是问化人说:「我们长年居住在此,从未见闻过有人能履水如地,你究竟是何许人?有何法术能令你走在水上,而不沉没呢?」 化人回答说:「我是住在这条河南边,由于知道自己愚钝,又听说佛陀在这里说法,就渴望渡河前来闻法。可是河水滔滔,根本不能过来,便先请问了岸边的人,此河水深吗?他们告诉我:『这水很浅,只淹到脚踝,可以涉水而过。』我只是因为相信他们所言,心中便无所恐惧地从对岸走过来,并非有什么特别的法术。」 这时佛陀便赞叹化人说:「善哉!善哉!凭着对真理虔诚的信解,即可超越生死的深渊;那么走过数里宽的河面,又何足为奇呢?」 于是世尊又继续为大家宣说信心的种种功德利益,村民们闻佛所说,又见证了信心的功德,此时心开意解,发起坚固的信心,便都求受了五戒,一心奉行佛法,成为清净的居士。 In the Dharmapada Sutra, there is a story about earnest faith. At the time of the Buddha, there was once a big river southeast of the city Sravasti. Its waters were deep and wide. More than five hundred families lived along its banks as fishermen. They have not yet heard about the qualities of the path or the way of salvation from the worldly. Their manners were violent, and were busy cheating each other. They coveted gain, and were licentious, rash, and extremely willful. The World-honored One constantly thought he should go there to save those among them who should be saved. He knew that these families should be saved by their merits. Thereupon the World-honored One went to the riverbank and sat down under a tree. When the villagers saw the Buddha’s bright appearance, they found it extraordinary, and there was none who was not impressed. They all went to pay their respects. Some saluted and some bowed, asking how he was. The Buddha told them to sit down, and he expounded the Doctrine of the scriptural text. The crowd heard it, but they did not believe in it because they were used to fraud and were skeptical of any true words. The Buddha then magically caused someone to appear, coming from the south of the river. Walking on the water, just wet to his ankles, he came to the Buddha. He prostrated and greeted the Buddha. When the crowd saw this, there was none who was not astonished. They asked the transformed person: “From the time of our ancestors we have lived on these shores, yet we have never seen anyone walking on the water. Who are you, sir? What kind of magic do you have that you are able to tread on water and not drown? please explain it to us.” The transformed person answered: “ I am a foolish person from south of the river. When I heard that the Buddha was here, I wanted to enjoy the virtues of the path, but when I arrived at the southern shore, I could not cross in time. I asked someone on the shore whether the water was deep or shallow. He said: ‘The water may reach up to your ankles. Why do you not wade across?’ I trusted his words and just crossed over like that. There is nothing strange or miraculous about it.” The Buddha then said in praise: “Excellent! Excellent! If you have faith, you may truly cross the abyss of birth and death. Why be astonished about walking across a river that is a few kilometers wide?” The Buddha continued to explain other merits of faith and its benefits. When the villagers heard the Buddha’s exposition, their faith was realized. Their minds opened up and their faith was firm. They all received the five precepts and become people of pure faith.




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